Commission Us

Meeting the needs of children and young people is an enormous challenge for commissioners.  We offer sleep services that are flexible and affordable to meet the needs of families.  We can also save you money in other areas, research shows that 40% of children will at some point have a sleep problem.[1] That is over five million children in England and Wales. For children with an additional need it is 86%.[2] Sleep deprivation has a huge impact on a child’s development, reducing their life opportunities and causing health and wellbeing issues for the whole family, for example:

  • Impact on cognitive function, memory and mood (Stores 1999, Dignes and Banks, 2007)
  • Increases psychiatric symptoms amongst children (Almgvist et al 2002)
  • Increases behavioural/attention problems and hyperactivity (Gaultney et al 2005)
  • Maternal stress and fatigue (Meltzer and Mindell, 2007)
  • Depression (Whayte et al 2011).

When children don’t get enough sleep their ability to learn and function is affected. They are likely to struggle at school, both academically and socially. Their health can suffer as their immune system is weakened, their growth can be impacted and there are links between sleep problems and obesity. Ultimately they are unable to reach their full potential.

Parents accessing our services have reported an improvement in their own and their children’s health.  A decrease in behavioural problems and an increase in attainment at school and improved family functioning.

To find out more about commissioning our services email [email protected]

[1] Quach J, Gold L, Hiscock H, et al; Primary healthcare costs associated with sleep problems up to age 7 years, 2013

[2] Liu Xi, Hubbard JA, Fabes RA, Adam JB; Sleep disturbances of children with autism spectrum disorders, 2006